8 Questions To Ask Your Home Comfort Professional

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At Cross Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand that choosing the right home comfort professional is essential for keeping your home and family comfortable. Here are some questions for your home comfort professional:

1. Do they have the appropriate licensing?

In Ontario, air conditioning and heating technicians must be licensed to...

Posted by Brad | June 7, 2018 | Reading Time:

At Cross Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand that choosing the right home comfort professional is essential for keeping your home and family comfortable. Here are some questions for your home comfort professional:

1. Do they have the appropriate licensing?

In Ontario, air conditioning and heating technicians must be licensed to service or install your heating and cooling system. Any home comfort professional you hire for maintaining or installing a heating or cooling system in your home should be in possession of a trade certificate of qualification (C of Q), indicating that they have successfully completed the mandatory schooling, apprenticeship training and passed a ministry exam. Each technician will be able to show you their documentation if requested.

2. Do they have insurance?

Home comfort companies should have insurance, not only to protect their business and their employees, but to protect you from liability if anything happens to your home while they are servicing your home comfort system. Make sure you ask your home comfort service provider to see proof of insurance before they do any work in your home.

3. What kind of services do they offer?

When hiring a home comfort technician, it’s not enough for them to provide maintenance and installation. Ask them what other kind of services they provide, like after-installation service, if they provide any warranties and if they’re available for emergency service.

4. Do they understand your problem?

Communication is key when hiring a home comfort professional. If you’re hiring someone for maintenance, communicate the issue clearly so they have a thorough understanding. If you’re hiring someone to do an installation, make sure you tell them all of the issues you have in your home, whether it’s uneven temperatures, humidity issues and more. When your home comfort professional understands the intricacies of your situation, they’ll be able to offer the best solution.

5. Do they have references?

Knowing about your home comfort technician’s past work with customers can give you a good  idea of how your experience with them might be. Ask them for references, or do a quick search on Google, Facebook and Yelp and see what people have to say.

6. Can they give you an estimate?

You don’t want to get too far into the home comfort maintenance or installation process before you know how much it is likely to cost you. While they may not be able to give you an exact number, as sometimes issues arise that they can’t foresee, they should be able to give you a rough idea of what the required work will cost.

7. Are their products energy efficient?

There have been many advancements in home comfort technologies, and your home comfort professional should be able to recommend the most energy efficient options for your home. Ask if their products are Energy Star certified and what, if any, other energy efficient options they can recommend to save you money in the long run.

8. Do you feel pressured?

An experienced, high-quality home comfort professional will not pressure you into buying any products or services you don’t need. At Cross Heating, our technicians do not use high-pressure sales tactics, and will only recommend an additional service or product if we feel it’s needed. If you ever feel pressured into signing a contract or any other paperwork, let your technician know.

Our home comfort professionals are always happy to answer any questions you might have about the installation, maintenance or service process! If you have questions for your home comfort professional,  Contact us today.

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