How to Prepare Your Home for Air Conditioning Installation 

AC Installations

Summer often arrives sooner than you expect, and that means one thing: air conditioning season is here! If you suffered the heatwave last year with an old AC install or don't have an air conditioner at all, it might be time to join the cool kids.

If you’re like most people, you’ll be cranking up the AC as soon as you have your new cooling...

Posted by Brad | March 21, 2022 | Reading Time:

Summer often arrives sooner than you expect, and that means one thing: air conditioning season is here! If you suffered the heatwave last year with an old AC install or don't have an air conditioner at all, it might be time to join the cool kids.

If you’re like most people, you’ll be cranking up the AC as soon as you have your new cooling system. Most air conditioner installations are smooth and take less than one workday. But if your home isn’t properly prepared for an AC install it can make things more complicated.

Let’s discuss what you can do to set up a quick and easy AC install for your friendly HVAC technician. Whether you’re going with a central cooling system or ductless air conditioning, Cross Heating & Air Conditioning can help you live cool and comfortably.

And you can always call our AC experts for a quote on an air conditioner installation or any questions you have about preparing your home for a successful install.

AC Unit outside a brick building with poppies in foreground.

What Type of Air Conditioner Are You Getting?

There are lots of things that make any type of home AC installation easier. But it’s important to know which type of air conditioner you have purchased to better prepare!

A quick call to our team at Cross can always verify the exact model and size of your air conditioner before the install crew arrives.

Central Air Conditioning Installations

Central air conditioners are a popular choice for many homeowners in Southern Ontario. This type of system includes an air intake unit that sits outside your home that needs to be vented through the roof or walls.

The installation areas include a space for the outdoor unit, which is usually located in a backyard, on a rooftop, or another secure outdoor area. The inside area that will be worked on is usually in a basement or utility room. The space where your furnace is located is where your central air conditioning will also feed into your home’s duct system.

Ductless Air Conditioning Installations

Also known as a mini-split, this type of air conditioning system has 2 parts. An inside unit that usually attaches to a wall or a window inside, and an outside compressor unit. These are connected with wires and refrigerant tubing through a window or wall.

The area being worked on for a ductless AC install include the rooms which will have air conditioning and the place where your outdoor unit will rest. These parts may be installed directly across from one another but the outdoor unit can be placed in more aesthetic or protected areas.

Closeup of hands of someone dismantling an AC unit.

Preparation Tips for an Air Conditioner Install

Don’t worry—an HVAC service pro will do all the heavy lifting. But there are some things you can do to prepare your home to avoid any AC installation complications. Whether you’re looking forward to a new central cooling system or a ductless unit, a well-prepared home makes a big difference for your install.

Here are some tips to help make sure any home is ready for a successful AC installation.

Clean the Installation Areas

One of the most important aspects of a successful installation is ensuring that the area where the AC will be installed is clean. Make sure to clear all furniture and other obstructions from the room, and sweep up any dust and dirt.

This will make it easier for the technician to work, and will also help keep your new air conditioner running smoothly. You want to avoid any dirt getting into your brand new air conditioner as it's being installed!

Remember that your install tech will need space to work around the cooling system, so try to make sure there's a 2-metre open space surrounding the installation site.

For the outdoor portion of an AC installation, you can help by:

  •  Removing any debris around the installation area.
  • Trimming back trees or shrubs that are too intrusive.
  • Mowing or trimming very long grass.
  • Cleaning any pet droppings near the installation site.

Ensure There’s a Clear Path

Depending on the size of your air conditioner, getting it through your home can be a bit tricky!

Along with a clean, clear area where your air conditioner is being installed, it's also important to have an open path between your front door or yard gates and the installation areas.

Installation experts may have their hands full and their vision obstructed from the equipment they’re carrying. A clear path helps them move easily to speed up your install timeline. And of course, it helps reduce slips and falls.

Check Your Wiring

Before you have an AC technician come to your home, it’s important to do a quick check of your wiring. Make sure that all of your breakers are on, and that there are no exposed wires or loose plugs. If you have any concerns about your wiring, it’s best to have a professional take a look before you have your air conditioner installed.

Get the Right Sized Unit

It’s important to have the right size air conditioner for your home, or you could wind up with an inefficient system that doesn’t cool your space properly. Measure the square footage of the room or rooms that you want to cool, and use an online calculator to determine the appropriate cooling capacity. You don’t want to buy a unit that’s too small or too big – it will just waste energy and cost you more in the long run.

There’s also a risk of an AC unit not fitting the space if you haven’t measured at all. Our HVAC specialists are happy to discuss your air conditioner installation options to make sure the system you purchase is perfect for your home.

Keep Pets Out of the Install Area

We love your pets! But installing a new cooling system in your home is not the best time for a doggy meet and greet. Because an air conditioner install deals with electrical wiring, refrigerant tubing, sharp tools, and lots of small parts, it's not an ideal space for a cat or dog to be roaming freely.

You can help protect your pet by keeping them out of the rooms where air conditioning is being installed. This will also speed up the installation process since install techs won't be distracted by your fluffy friends. If your animals get a little excited with new visitors, consider keeping them in other areas when equipment is being brought in.

When a technician is working on the outside portion of an AC installation, it’s best to keep pets indoors.

Schedule Your Installation

So, you've bought a new AC system and you’re excited to cool down! Once your home is properly prepared for an air conditioner install, it's time to schedule your appointment with Cross Heating & Air Conditioning. We offer central air conditioning installation, ductless air conditioning installation, and can handle homes with unique HVAC challenges.

You don’t need to be available through the entire installation process. But make sure you will be at home to welcome installation technicians, and that you can be around to sign off on a job well done.

Closeup of lawnmower mowing grass on a sunny day.

Your AC Installation Preparation Partner

Now that you know what to do to prepare your home for a new air conditioner, it’s time to get that cooling system installed! Once you’ve done all of the things listed in this blog, call Cross Heating & Air Conditioning to set up a time and date for an installation. We’ll take care of the rest and make sure your home is ready for a cool summer.

When it comes to staying comfortable at home, trust Cross Heating & Air Conditioning to get the job done right. We’ve been providing quality cooling services to families in Waterloo, Listowel, and Hanover since 1987, and we’re always here to help you beat the heat. Give us a call today!

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